Behind the French Bestseller, 'Thinking and Acting Like A Cat'

This self-help book, inspired by the author’s cat, explores how humans can attain some of the feline's finer traits, like elegance and independence. The book has spent four weeks on the Le Point newspaper bestseller list, and topped the charts on Amazon France.
Book title: Agir et penser comme un chat/ Acting and Thinking Like A Cat
First published in: March 2017 by Paris-based publisher Editions de l'Opportun
Format: Paperback
Author: Stephane Garnier is a writer/journalist who covers humor and politics. He loves cats, and has a 14-year-old feline named Ziggy.
Acquiring Editor: Stephane Chabenat, who founded Editions de l'Opportun in 2009
How It’s Done: The book, which the publisher has gone back to press on four times, was ranked #1 on Amazon France, and rights have sold in numerous foreign deals. To date, the book has been acquired by publishers in, among other countries, Germany, Spain, Italy, China, Poland, and Argentina.
Why They Think It’s Working: Chabenat believes the book is selling because it is the first title to mix "cat-loving and personal well-being." To this extent, the book is drawing cat lovers and readers of self-help books. Additionally, a marketing campaign aimed at groups of cat lovers worked. Chabenat found several of these groups on Facebook, and then messaged them with an offer to read the book.